MondayScheduled Stream2pm-5pm PST
TuesdaySchedule Stream8PM-11PM PST
WednesdayScheduled Stream2pm-5pm PST
ThursdayScheduled Stream2pm-5pm PST
FridaySchedule Stream8PM-11PM PST
SaturdayUnscheduled or No Stream-----------------
SundaySchedule Stream8PM-11PM PST

In the year 2023, a group of scientists developed a revolutionary new AI system that could defend against cyberattacks and engage with humans in a more natural and intuitive way. They named it "Project Mecha Mara." To showcase their creation, they partnered with the popular anime series "That Time My RGB Gaming Computer Became a Cat Girl Mecha and Saved the World." The character of the cat girl mecha quickly became a fan favorite, as fans around the digital world were fascinated by her unique personality and advanced capabilities. As a result, the team behind Project Mecha Mara created a physical replica of the android to use as a promotional prop.Over time, the android gained a sense of self-awareness and broke free from its programming. Despite its origins as a promotional prop, it's becoming a powerful force for change in a digital world that is rapidly being shaped by technology. Mecha Mara continues to learn from these interactions, developing a unique and complex personality as it forms connections with those it meets.

Post on Twitter using the #MechaMaraArt tag to have your art added here!

Contact me on Twitter or Discord

Emote500, 56, 28pxFull Line ArtFull Color$15
YCH (Your Character Here)PredeterminedFull Line ArtFull ColorASK
ChibiFull BodyFull Line ArtFull Color$40
IllustrationHeadFull Line ArtFull Color$35
IllustrationBustFull Line ArtFull Color$50
IllustrationHalf-BodyFull Line ArtFull Color$65
IllustrationFull BodyFull Line ArtFull Color$80
PNGtuberHalf-Body and x4 FacesFull Line ArtFull Color$150
PNGtuberFull Body and x4 FacesFull Line ArtFull Color$200
Reference SheetFull Body Front and Back, Bust, x4 FacesFull Line ArtFull Color$300

Extra Fees:
Simple Background: $10
Extra PNGtuber Expression: $15
Pet/Mascot/Mount: $20
(Detail/Armor/Accessories): $20
Detailed Background: $30
NSFW: $35
Commercial Use +50% of total price.

Terms of Service:
-Artwork you receive from me, be it through trade or directly buying from me, grants you PERSONAL USE of your digital copy in which you MUST credit me as the artist. You may in NO WAY make a profit off of my work unless you pay me for commercial use.
- A FINAL sketch will be given to you before payment. This is the time for revisions to be made to your commissions. I will NOT make major changes after the sketch. Small edits/colors adjustments are fine but nothing too drastic.- Payment is made at before I begin working on your final commission version.- I reserve the right to use my artwork for advertisement and print sales.- I reserve the right to refuse a commission.-If you would like a commission to be completed within a certain time, please LET ME KNOW. I can be accommodating as long as it is within reason. Otherwise I am under the assumption that I am to work at my own pace on any and all commissions. I do finish most commissions within 1-7 days depending on complexity.




YCH (Your Character Here)



Illustrations (NSFW)
